Campbell-Centre for Linguistic Research and Consulting (CCALIREC) is an academic and professional language-research organization, dedicated to advancing the cause of the English language particularly, and the development of the human communication experience in general. It relies on field reports, research reports and Action Research findings to modulate, present and position its activities, products and services.
To reach as many people as possible with facts of our books, we have sorted out research findings—as pointed out above—and broken them down, analyzed and converted them from theoretical fancies to practically usable teaching facts, which are guaranteed to significantly improve, the production level of users of our products—which include, hard copy physical books, academic and educational public lectures, eBooks and Teaching Videos.
CCALIREC prides itself in successfully supporting learners of English across the world by scaffolding them from one language proficiency level to another. With the addition of eBooks and Teaching Videos to our teaching and learning resources, it is expected that more and more learners of English will be positively impacted by the organization’s activities.
Mission and Vision Statement:
Our mission at Campbell-Centre for Linguistic Research, and Consulting (CCALIREC) is to professionally teach peoples of the world how to listen, read, speak, write and, generally use the English language as a communication tool, for their personal and public benefits
From CALIREC’s Chairman... to you:
I am excited to welcome you to our world—of English language teaching and learning, through the use of physical books, and eBooks, and eminently too, through video teaching and training! We are mindful that you are a learner of English, and that different categories of people around the world may need our humble support in their English language learning process. We recognize the different approaches that this fact imposes on us, as intercontinental Pedagogues, Consultants and Trainers.
The Campbell-Centre for Linguistic Research and Consulting, (CCALIREC) is professionally positioned and poised to move you from any level of your current English learning to the next, until you become a proficient user in writing and speaking especially—while not neglecting the up-scaling of your reading and listening skills.
Whereas children ‘acquire’ a language more speedily than adults, they are “… very bad at explicit learning (reading books or sitting in a classroom to learn), because they don’t have the cognitive control and the attention and memory capabilities.” According to Professor Sorace—of the University of Edinburgh, adults “… are much better at that. So, that (learning English and languages by reading and listening to lectures or teachings) can be something that improves with age.”
In the light of these several research findings, it is certain that you can understand and relate with our books, eBooks, videos and face-to-face teaching, far better than children! Findings from a great deal of research also show that adults are much better at grasping artificial language rules and teaching, and applying them to new words or structures (sentences) in real life! This is your great advantage!
This is why I am very confident that, whether you buy any of our low-priced eBooks alone or ask the assistance of our Chief-Consultant Linguist—to come to your country, organization or educational institution to teach learners or workers English in their specific area of linguistic needs, success—I mean, great success—is waiting for you.
Finally, I would like to confidently commend you into the able hands of our Chief Consultant-Linguist (who incidentally is CALIREC’s Executive Director—and doubtless, one of the world’s most respected Applied Linguistics connoisseurs:
Professor h. c. English language Education—Bamidele Ashade—who specializes in Morpho-Syntax and Grammar of Modern English, TESOL, ESL/ELT and EFL Pedagogy, and has been into more than 105 different classrooms around the world. He has brought his intercontinental and pedagogical experience cum expertise to bear on the teaching you receive through our eBooks, videos and possibly, face-to-face training.
As you come along with us by getting access to our resources: eBooks + Teaching + Training—or even by inviting us into your country or organization for a physical, in-situ training, I congratulate you and celebrate your success—in your target goal in advance—even before you start.
Thank you and, wishing you all the best!
Dr. A.O.A. Felix
Campbell-Centre for Linguistic Research and Consulting (CCALIREC)
Dele Ashade, a global leading authority on Applied Linguistics is a Professor hc (English Language Education). He specializes in Morpho-Syntax, and Grammar of Modern English; ESL and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). His education, academic career and services straddle Payap University, Chiang-Mai, Thailand; Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria; Nigerian Institute of Journalism; institutions and organizations in the People’s Republic of China, and University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
He is the Author of ‘A’-One English: A Complete GCE/SSCE Text; The Invisible Teacher of JAMB’s English; A to Z of JAMB’s English, Pedagogical Grammar: How to Teach Grammar (for universities); One Thousand Rules of Everyday English; Correct English for International Communication; Juvenile ‘A’-one English Books 1-6 (for Primary Schools); Junior ‘A’-one English Books 1-3 (for Junior Secondary Schools); Senior ‘A’-one English Books 1-3 (for Senior Secondary Schools); Literature Readers, and eleven others—published in Germany, Thailand, and Nigeria; and several eBooks. He has authored a list of journal publications and research reports in Applied Linguistics and ESOL.
Prof. Ashade has been a Language-Instructor-by-Television with national television, (NTA2 Channel 5—National Network Service) Victoria Island, and a Columnist with The Sun, teaching Public Communication. He has taught English face-to-face to over 250,000 learners and teachers, in Action Research—in more than 60 cities—in formal, domiciliary and nomadic teaching campaigns around the world: he formally taught learners of different educational and language-proficiency levels in the People’s Republic of China, Thailand, Hong Kong etc.; has been guest speaker at about 155 language, media and educational forums and has, as such travelled in more than 22 countries!
Ashade was nominated by the British Council (UK), for the International Teaching Innovation Award in London, and he received the ‘Pedagogue of the Year, 2010’ Award of Pedagogues International, among other national and international orders of recognition.
Our EBooks
This eBook enables you to see the nakedness of English; and, to Speak and Write English—Like a Grand-Master, anywhere, any time!
ONE THOUSAND RULES OF EVERYDAY ENGLISH is excellent for those who want to see English in-and-out, and in its nakedness, and understand why one sentence is correct and another, wrong. It is for all individuals and people of different professional persuasions, who desire to be confident users of English, anywhere around the world!
Page Extent: 356pp PRICE: ₦25,000

Our best-rated language professors
Enthusiastically trusted by over 410,000
learners across the world.
Here is a unique opportunity for you: to take an external, University Professor as your Private Guide, Program Advisor and Academic Support for your Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral studies in your university, anywhere around the world.
Your Private Professor will guide and support you through your academic program for:
Assignments, Papers, Thesis, Dissertation, Sundry academic and scholarly advice; Proofreading and critiquing your work—before you hand it over to your own university’s Professor—so as to guarantee your excellent performance; and help you solve any other academic problems you may have in your university.
FEE PAYABLE: (a) Students outside Nigeria: $US 249.95 per Semester
(b) Students in Nigeria: N200,000 per Semester
This fee, which is only introductory, is payable fully at signing of MOU, and may be reviewed upwardly from time-to-time by the CCALIREC Management
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